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Network Summary

  • Hashrate

    9.044 MH/s

  • Blockchain Size

    765.02 MB

  • Unconfirmed Transactions

    1 tx (1.12 KB)

  • Difficulty

    6.763 x 10

  • Exchange Rate


  • Chainwork

    5.4 x 1015 hashes


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Latest Blocks

HeightTimestamp (utc)AgeMinerTransactionsAverage FeeSize (bytes)Weight (wu)
1,241,9522024-10-09 17:13:328:41:41`ó¼¹g€+¥ Miningcore20.00003998 DSV5322,020
1,241,9512024-10-09 05:30:4320:24:30_óg€¢! Miningcore20.00003998 DSV5322,020
1,241,9502024-10-09 03:03:1222:52:01^ópòg€  Miningcore20.00005996 DSV7132,744
1,241,9492024-10-09 02:01:1923:53:54]óïãg€Hl Miningcore20.00003998 DSV5322,020
1,241,9482024-10-08 16:24:511 day, 10 hours\óÓ\g€˜ Miningcore20.00005626 DSV7132,744
1,241,9472024-10-08 15:55:041 day, 10 hours[óØUg€¬© Miningcore20.00003998 DSV5322,020
1,241,9462024-10-08 00:52:462 days, 1 hourZó^‚g€ê Miningcore20.00003998 DSV5322,020
1,241,9452024-10-07 23:17:282 days, 3 hoursYólg€5 Miningcore20.00003998 DSV5322,020
1,241,9442024-10-07 18:35:192 days, 7 hoursXóç)g€à Miningcore20.00003998 DSV5322,020
1,241,9432024-10-07 17:38:052 days, 8 hoursWó}g€Ô/ Miningcore20.00003779 DSV7132,744

Transaction Stats Summary

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