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Network Summary

  • Hashrate

    1.432 MH/s

  • Blockchain Size

    765.1 MB

  • Unconfirmed Transactions

    1 tx (1.41 KB)

  • Difficulty

    6.763 x 10

  • Exchange Rate


  • Chainwork

    5.4 x 1015 hashes


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Latest Blocks

HeightTimestamp (utc)AgeMinerTransactionsAverage FeeSize (bytes)Weight (wu)
1,242,0602024-11-04 06:33:5217:59:21ÌóÐj(g€1 Miningcore20.00006362 DSV6822,620
1,242,0592024-11-04 04:57:1319:36:00Ëó)T(g€`: Miningcore20.00006362 DSV6822,620
1,242,0582024-11-04 01:29:5323:03:20Êó‘#(g€\ Miningcore20.00006362 DSV6822,620
1,242,0572024-11-03 23:52:341 dayÉó (g€p Miningcore20.00006362 DSV6822,620
1,242,0562024-11-03 17:15:031 day, 7 hoursÈó—¯'g€Ü' Miningcore20.00006362 DSV6822,620
1,242,0552024-11-03 14:53:281 day, 10 hoursÇóhŽ'g€„ Miningcore20.00006362 DSV6822,620
1,242,0542024-11-03 14:19:371 day, 10 hoursÆóy†'g€¡  Miningcore20.00006362 DSV6822,620
1,242,0532024-11-02 22:29:572 days, 2 hoursÅóå§&g€wf Miningcore20.00006362 DSV6822,620
1,242,0522024-11-02 16:26:102 days, 8 hoursÄó¢R&g€o6 Miningcore20.00006362 DSV6822,620
1,242,0512024-11-02 13:12:562 days, 11 hoursÃóX%&g€J Miningcore20.00006363 DSV6822,620

Transaction Stats Summary

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