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Network Summary

  • Hashrate

    1.39 MH/s

  • Blockchain Size

    765.19 MB

  • Unconfirmed Transactions

    1 tx (1.41 KB)

  • Difficulty

    6.763 x 10

  • Exchange Rate


  • Chainwork

    5.41 x 1015 hashes


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Latest Blocks

HeightTimestamp (utc)AgeMinerTransactionsAverage FeeSize (bytes)Weight (wu)
1,242,1742024-12-02 14:44:575:42:49>ôéÇMg€= Miningcore20.00006364 DSV6822,620
1,242,1732024-12-02 13:47:306:40:16=ôrºMg€:ü Miningcore20.00006364 DSV6822,620
1,242,1722024-12-01 17:44:081 day, 3 hours<ôh Lg€« Miningcore20.00006364 DSV6822,620
1,242,1712024-12-01 06:58:281 day, 13 hours;ô Lg€U Miningcore20.00006363 DSV6812,616
1,242,1702024-12-01 06:07:521 day, 14 hours:ô8ýKg€GÇ Miningcore20.00006363 DSV6822,620
1,242,1692024-11-30 21:20:251 day, 23 hours9ô™Kg€³: Miningcore20.00006363 DSV6822,620
1,242,1682024-11-30 18:43:562 days, 2 hours8ôì\Kg€* Miningcore20.00006363 DSV6822,620
1,242,1672024-11-30 16:51:442 days, 4 hours7ô BKg€þ6 Miningcore20.00006363 DSV6822,620
1,242,1662024-11-30 14:25:162 days, 6 hours6ôL Kg€½ Miningcore20.00006363 DSV6822,620
1,242,1652024-11-30 13:21:562 days, 7 hours5ôtKg€0e Miningcore20.00006363 DSV6822,620

Transaction Stats Summary

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